femLENS has been actively engaging in online campaigns since March 2021, raising awareness on various social issues related to women’s rights, gender-based violence, environmental sustainability, housing, and more. In the span of two years, femLENS has successfully executed:

  • 14 online campaigns
  • published 29 articles
  • featured 117 stories
  • helped to create 8 photo projects specially for the campaigns
  • and produced 2 zines based on collective work.

One of the most notable campaigns femLENS initiated was the Modern History of Women’s Protests for International Women’s Day 2021. The campaign featured three articles, one zine with the same name as the campaign, and 20 submitted stories from 16 countries, highlighting the global significance of women’s protests throughout the modern history.

Similarly, the Women at Work Campaign 2021 aimed to highlight the undistorted portraits of working women and their contributions to society. The campaign featured six articles, 14 submitted stories from five countries, and resulted in the production of one zine, Women at Work.

femLENS also delved into topics concerning the representation of women’s appearance in media with its Skin Campaign 2021. Another noteworthy campaign was the 2021 Campaign against Gender-based Violence, which aimed to raise awareness on gender-based violence such as a human rights violation.

For International Women’s Day 2022, femLENS launched the Break The Bias Campaign, which explored the pervasive influence of gender bias in modern society.

Another campaign that femLENS executed in 2022 was the Mothers at Work Campaign, featuring working mothers and their struggles in balancing work and life. The campaign featured one article, 15 submissions, and three submissions created specially for the campaign.

Later in 2022 femLENS initiated campaigns concerning environmental awareness, housing, and the Not For Sale Campaign for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The campaigns featured stories, articles, and posts that aimed to raise awareness on the pressing issues related to environmental sustainability, housing accessibility, and human trafficking.

One of the recent femLENS campaigns is the Change the Picture Campaign for International Women’s Day 2023, celebrating women’s representation in all spheres of life.

femLENS has made significant strides in raising awareness on various social issues concerning women’s rights and gender equality through its online campaigns. Our online campaigns have become a regular reappearing activity. The online campaigns raise awareness and inspire action on various social issues. Through publishing articles, featuring stories, and creating photo projects, we believe we are helping to drive positive change and promote social justice.

Don’t miss our future campaigns, follow our Instagram page.

The zine “Modern History of Women’s Protests” is a powerful collection of photographs from 15 women photographers across the globe. It showcases the diverse range of women’s protests throughout modern history and celebrates the strength and resilience of women fighting for their rights. The zine is a tribute to International Women’s Day and serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality worldwide. Through these compelling images, the zine highlights the power of collective action and inspires us to continue the fight for justice and equality for all women. 

You can read/download/print zine here.

The “Women at Work” zine by femLENS is a refreshing take on the portrayal of working women in print media. In a world where we are bombarded with images of airbrushed celebrities or poverty on the other end of the social ladder, this zine showcases undistorted portraits of women at work. The zine was created as part of the 2021 Women at Work campaign by femLENS. With this zine, femLENS celebrates and highlights the often-overlooked contributions of working women and challenges the stereotypes perpetuated by mainstream media.

You can read/download/print zine here.

femLENS campaigns production:

  • Idea development: we identify a theme related to women’s rights and empowerment.
  • Open call: we launch an open call for photographers of all levels and skills to submit their work related to the theme.
  • Photography project collection: After collecting a significant number of projects, we curate the best ones.
  • Article writing: we work with volunteer copy-writers to create articles about the chosen theme.
  • Research on the topic: we do research and collect data and statistics about the issue that will be highlighted during campaign.
  • Designing the layout for Instagram feed: The articles, statistics and photography stories are formatted to create a cohesive layout for the Instagram feed.
  • Launching online campaigns: we launch an online campaign to promote the work of women photographers and raise awareness about the topic, using social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
  • Based on available resources we produce zines with a work of participated photographers.

You can help to produce more zines by donating here. If you think one particular campaign needs special attention, please contact us to arrange a call and discuss it with our team!