femLENS is a work of love. We, a small group of volunteers, work towards achieving our mission to promote gender equality through the power of visual storytelling. Please consider aiding in developing and expanding our work. We are always looking for financial support that can help us to dedicate our full time to femLENS and focus on creating more content, organiсing events, and reaching out to a wider audience. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in enabling us to continue our work, expand our team and make a positive impact. Thank you for your support and belief in our mission.
You can also see our Sponsorship Brochure below.

femLENS creates learning opportunities for women as well as creating a global community of women interested in visual storytelling. If you like what we do, please consider making a donation. All donations go towards organising workshops, exhibitions and promotion events. Thank you!

femLENS is an Estonian-registered nonprofit association (reg.#80429622) 

To find out more about ways to support our work, please download our Sponsorship Brochure.