Images, whether illustrative stock photos or exclusive made-just-for-you photographs, help you get noticed in both the digital and real world!

It is crucial that you are noticed for the right reason, and that your visuals deliver the message you are trying to convey!


What’s the difference?

The previous decades have created many cliches and stereotypes but without spending years studying the field, working with different stakeholders, it is hard to know what is fresh and impactful and what is tired and over-used (remember that woman laughing over her green salad to convey health, or a malnourished child to convey financial inequalities). It is important to know what is modern and trendy, or classic and reliable without being over the top.


Together, we have more than 10 years experience in the visual industry as photographers, editors, retouchers and educators in the news, art and development sector, as well as social media management.



We will analyse your current visual assets and prepare a report on what we think works towards your mission and what doesn’t.


Consultations for an ongoing or planned project. Understanding for which platforms, mediums and uses you will need to gather images. Analysis of your data to translate into visuals for online and print use. Research, creation of moodboards, mockups, and development of a lists of image sources and creators.


Training for your in-house social media and communication team on how to choose the right visuals to convey the desired message and reach your people.


Help you update existing projects.